Monday, June 10, 2013

Pongal recipe - Indian Cuisine

For preparing pongal you need:
·        1 cup Rice
·        1/2 cup Green Gram Dal
·        1 cup Milk
·        3 cups Jaggery (powdered)

·        4 tbsp Ghee
·        2 tbsp Cashew nuts
·        2 tbsp Raisins
·        5 no Cardamoms (powdered)
·        2 no Cloves (powdered)
·        1 small piece Nutmeg (grated or powdered)
·        A pinch of Saffron
·        2 1/2 cups Water

Method of preparation of Pongal:
·        Roast dry the green gram dal for a approximately 2 minutes.
·        Cook the rice and green gram dhal with 2 1/2 cups of water and 1 cup milk in the microwave.
·        Dissolve the jaggery in 3/4 cup water and cook on a low heat till the jaggery melts.
·        Strain the jaggery to remove any foreign particles.
·        Put the syrup once more on the heat and stir till it becomes slightly sticky.
·        Add the cooked rice and dhal.
·        Heat the 4 tbsp ghee.
Garnishing and serving:
·        Fry the cashew nuts and raisins and add to the pongal.
·        Add the powdered cardamoms, cloves nutmeg and saffron.
·        Mix well and serve hot.

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